Publication Guidelines


For consistent editing of your contributions, please follow the indications below. Authors are fully responsible for the form and content of their papers. Failure to comply with the formal and scientific criteria should result in eventual resubmission or rejection of the manuscript.

● Paper size: A4 paper format, margins: top/bottom 2.0 cm, left 2.5 cm and right 2.0 cm (Page Setup). 
● Font Arial
● Source: Paper should start with: Fruit Growing Research, Vol. XXIX, 2013. Font size 9, alignment left, Line Spacing Single. 
● Title of the article: capital letters in Romanian, in English below it, no full stop.
● font size 12, alignment left, bold, Line Spacing Single, One blank line before and after title.
● Authors’ names: full first name, followed by last name. Authors’ names will be separated by comma. No academic titles, but the name of institutions will be included. 
● font size 10 for letters, alignment left, Line Spacing Single, One blank line after. 
● Abstract – no numbers or full stop, font size 10, Bold, alignment left, One blank line after. 
● text: in English, font size 10, Justified, Line Spacing Single, Indent First 1 cm, One blank line after. 
● Keywords – in Romanian, separated by comma, in English below it, no full stop. 
● font size 10, Bold (for Cuvinte cheie and Keywords), Justified, Line Spacing Single. Key words written without Bold, One blank line after. 
1. Introduction: no title or numbers (in Romanian). 
● text: normal, font size 10, Indent First 1 cm, Justified, Line Single Spacing, One blank line after.
● Introduction: maximum 15 lines. 
2. Material and methods: numbers followed by full stop (2.), font size 10, Bold, alignment left, One blank line after. 
● text: normal, font size 10, Indent First 1 cm, Justified, Line Single Spacing, One blank line after.
3. Results and discussions: numbers followed by full stop (3.), font size 10 pt., Bold, alignment left, One blank line after. 
● text: normal, font size 10, Indent First 1 cm, Justified, Line Single Spacing, One blank line after.
4. Conclusions – concise and clear, no hypothesis and probability, numbered (4.). 
● text: normal, font size 10 pt., Indent First 1 cm, alignment Justified, Line Single Spacing, One blank line after. 
References – alignment left, no numbers or full stop, font size 10, Bold, One blank line after. 
● references: autonumbered, font size 10, Line Spacing Single, Indent: Hanging 1 cm. 
● alphabetic order, Arabic numbers. 
● Citations to references in the text are listed chronologically surrounded by parentheses with the following format: (Peters, 1950; Jones and Smith, 1990; Brown et al., 1999a). If there are two authors with the same name that have published in the same year, initials may be used to avoid confusion. Note: "et al." is used for three or more authors. Citations to personal communications include the surname or initials of the person and are only to be included within the text, not in the Literature Cited section. The date is optional. Thus: (A.B. Peters, pers. commun.) or (A.B. Peters, pers. commun., 2001). 
● Tables and Figures
● Tables and figures are normally included at the end of the article in that sequence. Prefix the table section with the word Tables and the figure section with the word Figures. Captions are provided directly above each table and below each figure with hanging indents. They are numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers, and aligned with the width of the Table or Figure, or to the full width of the page if the figure or table occupies more than half of the width of the page. Thus, Table 1, Table 2 etc. and Fig. 1, Fig. 2., etc. If the table or figure is not original, give the source at the end of the caption, e.g. Source: Jones et al. 2001.

Fruit Growing Research Papers Template